The Science of God-Realization


The primary cause of human suffering and unhappiness is an illusional sense of separation between the real Self and God.

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Knowing Our True Nature and Our Relationship With the Infinite and Other Selected Essays


About this Book:

The primary cause of human suffering and unhappiness is an illusional sense of separation between the real Self and God. It is only the habit of identifying with mental, emotional, and physical states and objective phenomena that causes and sustains the illusion of separate existence. When this error is corrected, enlightenment is spontaneously experienced. To be enlightened is to know that we are spiritual beings and have accurate, comprehensive knowledge of the infinite field of Consciousness and the processes of life.

Publisher: C S A Press | Language: English | Paperback: 144 pages | ISBN: 0877072868

Additional information

Weight 8.6 oz
Dimensions 8.98 × 0.35 × 6.02 in


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