Roy Eugene Davis, Founder

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Roy Davis

About Roy Eugene Davis

Roy Eugene Davis was born in 1931 in Leavittsburg, Ohio, approximately 40 miles south of Cleveland, and grew up in a farming community. In his early teenage years, he frequented the public library, reading books on psychology, philosophy, and yoga.

Eighteen-year-old Roy Eugene Davis left his home on a farm in rural Ohio in 1949 to meet the great saint Paramahansa Yogananda in Los Angeles, CA, 2400 miles away. He had $60 in his pocket, a small suitcase, and a certainty that he was following his destiny. He arrived on Christmas eve and was accepted for training and life as a monk.

After two years of personal training, Yogananda instructed him to "Teach as I have taught, heal as I have healed, and initiate sincere seekers in Kriya Yoga." For the next 68 years, Mr. Davis followed his guru's wishes selflessly sharing guidelines for effective living and rapid spiritual growth with thousands around the world.

Most of his life was spent traveling to cities worldwide to offer seminars and classes in meditation, yoga philosophy and purposeful living. He visited 50 cities in the United States as well as making several trips to teach in Canada, Japan, Brazil, Germany, Ghana, England, Turkey, Italy and India every year.

A prolific writer, Mr. Davis wrote and published his Truth Journal Magazine for 52 years, and it will continue to be offered with his writings into the future. He is the author of more than 50 books in English, many of which have been translated into 11 languages. His books include commentaries on the spiritual classics The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, The Bhagavad Gita, and Shankara’s treatise on Self Knowledge.

In 1972 he founded Center for Spiritual Awareness as his ministry headquarters and retreat facility. Situated on 11 acres in the natural beauty of northeast Georgia, the center includes six guest houses, Meditation Hall/Dining Room complex, Bookstore, Library, Classroom, Shrine of All Faiths Meditation Temple, Hatha Yoga dome, offices, and a warehouse.

Here sincere spiritual seekers find a peaceful respite from daily life, an opportunity to re-discover their own innate spiritual nature and their relationship with the larger reality commonly referred to as God. Mr. Davis saw every aspect of the CSA facility as an extension of himself and his ministry and his consciousness can be felt throughout the property.

Since his passing in 2019, the CSA staff and personally trained ministers have continued his mission of teaching clear, effective spiritual practices, which support complete awakening to Self- and God-Realization, and a prosperous and meaningful life. His teachings and ministry will continue far into the future. He left us a wealth of insightful writings, ongoing publication of his Truth Journal Magazine, and an active retreat center staffed by longtime personal disciples and ordained ministers.

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