The CSA retreat facility is open for in-person retreats. Be here for one week arriving Sunday and departing Friday. Attendance is limited to 18 participants, who will have private sleeping rooms and can prepare vegetarian meals in their guest house.
We are units of unmodified Supreme Consciousness. When mental obstacles are eliminated the ingenious force of our creative imagination naturally aligns itself with the source of our being – Supreme Consciousness. We then observe grace prevailing in conformity with our constructive thoughts and aspirations.
Furio will explain how and why we attract circumstances into to our lives and how to improve our experiences. He will explain why we think in certain ways and how we can change our way of thinking by using the concept of the mental equivalent.
Ryan will lead everyone through an exercise that helps clarify every person’s intention to be healthier, happier, more prosperous, and more spiritually awake. Have pen and paper ready for this workshop.
Sunday meditation service at Lakemont: 10:00 AM EST
2024 CSA Summer Retreat Schedule
Roy Eugene Davis Memorial Meditation: March 23
Agni Hotra, The Vedic fire ceremony: Ellie Hadsall (June 9-14)
Introduction to Ayurveda: Daniel Bledsoe (June 16-21)
Hatha Yoga and Meditation: Joan Craig (June 30-July 5)
Self-Knowledge, Understanding the Nondualism of Adi Shankara: Zackary Price (July 7-12)
Mantra, Meditation, & Chanting: Swami Nirvanananda (July 14–July 19)
Overcoming Suffering: Arianna Ceroni (July 21-26)
The Spiritual Basis of Real Prosperity: Clifford Rosen (August 11-17)
God is in the Silence: Silent Kriya Yoga Meditation Retreat: Swami Kaivalyananda (August 18-23)
Sunday online meditation service: 10:00 AM EST
Second Saturday of every month: Live 2-hour silent meditation on CSA Zoom. 11 a.m.- 1 p.m. EST
Visit: Code: 980 663 1368 Password: 957607
See Calendar for details
Your generous donations continue to assist us in sharing the Kriya Yoga tradition and the inspired teachings of Roy Eugene Davis and his direct disciples.
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