Huidige activiteiten

Thuis / Huidige activiteiten


Is begonnen

CSA Davis invites you to visit and enjoy the many amenities around the CSA campus. The grounds are open and available for visitors to visit for the day, walk the grounds, meditate, and enjoy the serenity. CSA is excited to reopen the walkway around the pond, with the addition of a sun shade for our members' and visitors' enjoyment.

Now Offering Private Retreats Throughout the Fall & Winter

Stay in one of our comfortably furnished guest houses. Enjoy the grounds and all that they have to offer.

  • 11 & ½ Acres of Serenity
  • Meditation Hall
  • Temple of All Faiths
  • Library
  • Audio Visual Library

For more information or to make a reservation call 706-782-4723 or email us at

"As often as I am inclined, I turn within in the silence and experience pure consciousness. I rest in the silence and know my reality as the wave on the ocean of God." - Roy Eugene Davis

Join Us for Our 2 hour Awakening Meditation Honoring Roy Eugene Davis and the Guru Lineage

March 29th, 2025 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET followed by lunch in the Dining Hall

Led by Board President Marty Wuttke

Attend in person or by Zoom @

If you would like to spend the weekend on the grounds or attend in person, call 706-782-4723 or email

I salute the supreme teacher, the Truth, whose Nature is Bliss; who is the giver of the highest happiness; who is pure wisdom; who is beyond words; who is one and eternal, pure and still; who is beyond all change and phenomena and who is the silent witness to all our thoughts and emotions - I salute Truth, the supreme teacher. ~ Ancient Vedic Hymn

Ervaring van deelnemers aan de Peace Yoga Retreat:

"Toen ik CSA voor het eerst bezocht voor een yoga-retraite, voelde ik meteen een gevoel van kalmte. Het terrein en de gebouwen waren uitnodigend en mooi. Mijn accommodaties waren comfortabel en schoon. Het bijwonen van meditatie op zondag was een geweldige ervaring. CSA heeft een lege plek in mijn ziel opgevuld. Ik kijk ernaar uit om terug te keren en Kriya yoga te studeren!"


SparrowYoga. com

Sunday Morning Meditation & Inspiration from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m ET

Online - Zoom

  • 1st Sunday - CSA Minister Marty Wuttke
  • 2nd Sunday - Zackary Price
  • 3rd Sunday - CSA Ministers Walter & Wilma Berger
  • 4th Sunday - CSA Minister Joan Hope Craig

Saturday 2 hour Silent Meditation from 11am  - 1 pm ET

Online - Zoom

  • Ray Booker: November 9, January 11, March 8, May 10, July 12, Sept 13, Nov 8
  • Walter & Wilma Berger: Dec 14, Feb 8, April 12, June 14, August 9, October 11, Dec 13
A beautifully decorated holiday tree inside the the CSA center

Join Us for Our 3 Hour Holy Season Meditation

December 6th 2025, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ET followed by lunch in the Dining Hall.

Led by CSA Board President Marty Wuttke

Attend in person or by Zoom @

If you would like to spend the weekend on the grounds or attend in person, call 706-782-4723 or email

"I rest in the awareness of the source of all that is. I wisely attribute the good I have, knowing that the source will continue to provide in bountiful measure. God, as me, thrives, flourishes, and is forever. - Roy Eugene Davis

Online Meditation with CSA Minister Zackary Price 

  • Tuesday evening: 7 - 7:30 pm ET
  • Thursday evening: 7 - 7:30 pm ET meditations

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