Reservierungen für Meditations-Retreat-Räume

Heim / Reservierungen für Meditations-Retreat-Räume
Kriya-Yoga-Meditations-Retreats (Suite-Zimmer)

This CSA accommodation is a private suite in each of three of our guest houses on the pristine grounds of the retreat. This suite accommodates one or two people and includes a private bath, sitting room, and a shared kitchen and living room. It is within walking distance of the Meditation Hall, Bookstore, Shrine of All Faiths Meditation Temple, Library, Audio Visual Library, and Hatha Yoga Dome.

Kriya Yoga Meditations-Retreats (Einzelzimmer)

This CSA accommodation is a private room for one person in our guest houses on the beautiful grounds of the retreat. This room includes a communal bathroom, and a shared kitchen and living room. It is within walking distance of the Meditation Hall, Bookstore, Shrine of All Faiths Meditation Temple, Library, Audio Visual Library, and Hatha Yoga Dome.

Kriya Yoga Meditations-Retreats (Doppelzimmer)

This CSA accommodation is a private room for one or two people in our guest houses on the beautiful grounds of the retreat. This room includes a communal bathroom, and a shared kitchen and living room. It is within walking distance of the Meditation Hall, Bookstore, Shrine of All Faiths Meditation Temple, Library, Audio Visual Library, and Hatha Yoga Dome.


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