About CSA

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Center for Spiritual Awareness

Founded by Roy Eugene Davis, Center for Spiritual Awareness honors all authentic enlightenment traditions and the innate, divine nature of every person. We affirm that it is possible for everyone, by right personal endeavor and God's grace, to have a conscious relationship with the Infinite and to fulfill all of life's purposes in harmony with natural laws. CSA is a nonprofit organization incorporated in the State of Georgia in 1964. The international headquarters is located off Lake Rabun Road, in Rabun County, in the low mountains of northeast Georgia, 90 miles north of Atlanta, Georgia. Our facilities, on an 11-1/2 acre wooded site, include the administration offices and publishing department, six guest houses, the meeting hall with a dining room where vegetarian meals are served during scheduled meditation retreats, the Shrine of All Faiths Meditation Temple, two library buildings, and a book store.

Meditation seminars are offered several times a year at our headquarters retreat center. These programs are attended by truth seekers from all walks of life. While our teaching emphasis is that of the kriya yoga tradition, people of all faiths are welcome. Here, they have a supportive environment in which to be physically and mentally renewed and spiritually nourished. Class themes include holistic lifestyle guidelines and meditation instruction and practice. Meditation retreats and seminars are also offered in several cities of North America and in some other countries. Programs are offered on a voluntary donation basis.

Request a free literature packet, mailed anywhere in the world, which includes a sample copy of Truth Journal magazine, listings of Mr. Davis’ books, videos, and audio CDs, and schedules of meditation retreats and seminars. There is no obligation to you.

Truth Journal

A Quarterly Magazine Published for Individual and Planetary Enlightenment
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